General Dentistry Greenville, TX

We at Wesley Dental want to do everything possible to keep your teeth healthy. The primary way in which we do this is through regular dental hygiene appointments, checkups, and preventative programs twice per year. Our preventive program is a cooperative effort by the patient, dentist, and dental staff to preserve the teeth’s natural dentition and supporting structures for a lifelong healthy, beautiful smile.

We combine simple preventative measures to keep the onset, progress, and recurrence of dental diseases and conditions at bay. In addition, general dentistry treatments in our Greenville, TX dental office can maintain your healthy smile. We also provide comprehensive dental services at our dental office.

General Dentistry in Greenville, Texas

General Dentistry in Greenville, TX

When you come in bi-yearly, one of our dental hygienists will clean your teeth. While your brushing and flossing are essential, bi-yearly hygiene appointments will remove any hard-to-reach plaque, tartar, or tooth decay that can eventually cause dental diseases such as gingivitis.

Our dentist will give you the exam to ensure your teeth are in top shape and you are not developing any oral health issues. We also take routine X-rays, which our dentist uses to spot problems that may not be visible during your surface exam and to become familiar with the structure of your mouth.

In addition, we offer gum disease therapy for anyone who has developed gingivitis or periodontitis and regular oral cancer screenings to catch any early signs of cancer and prevent it from progressing.

Your Family Dentist

Our practice is family-friendly, and our dentist would love to become your go-to provider, no matter where you are in your oral health journey. Our dentist brings years of top-notch experience and a passion for helping and getting to know others, which is one of the main reasons he is so beloved in our community. So let’s work together to keep your mouth healthy and give you a smile that you are proud of!

General Dentistry Services Greenville, TX 

Dr. Marshall is an experienced and compassionate general dentist that prioritizes your overall oral health. He offers a wide range of essential dental care services and treatments in Greenville, TX. We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and beautiful smile. Our commitment to personalized and patient-centered care ensures that you receive the best possible treatment. Explore the services we offer to keep your smile bright and healthy.

Custom Mouthguard

A sports mouthguard is a necessary piece of equipment that will protect your teeth and soft tissues from injury. A custom mouthguard from your dentist offers the best protection and comfort compared to your generic store-bought options. Dr. Marshall will design a custom mouthguard for you based on impressions of your teeth. We garantee the fit will be precise to ensure stability and protection. Also, custom mouthguards are made from stronger and thicker material that will provide better shock absorption against impacts during sports activities. A custom sports mouthguard offers maximum protection, durability, and comfort so you can perform your best.

Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is a necessary general dentistry procedure that Dr. Marshal may suggest for several reasons. Severe decay, irreparable damage, overcrowding, or impacted wisdom teeth are reasons why you may need a tooth pulled. When a tooth is beyond repair, extracting it becomes essential to prevent infection and maintain overall oral health. The tooth removal procedure involves numbing the area with local anesthesia for comfort. The dentist loosens the tooth using forceps and removes it during a simple extraction. A surgical approach may be required for an implacted tooth or for complex extractions.

Emergency Dentistry

Emergency dentistry is crucial for addressing urgent oral issues. Dr. Marshall offers his patients prompt dental care to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and preserve oral health. Examples of dental emergencies include severe toothaches, knocked-out or fractured teeth, sudden swelling or infections, and traumatic injuries to the mouth. If you have a dental emergency, call us as soon as possible. Fast treatment is vital to managing pain, controlling bleeding, and initiating treatment. Ignoring dental emergencies can lead to further complications, infection spread, and increased treatment complexity. 

Family Dentistry

Dr. Marshall offers complete family dental care for patients of all ages. Family dentists specialize in treating patients, young and old, fostering a consistent and trusting relationship over the years. There are many benefits to visiting a family dentist office. Dr. Marshall offers many services, from routine teeth cleanings and exams to full mouth restorations, accommodating your whole family’s dental needs. Also, scheduling appointments for the family on the same day is convenient. Allow us to become your trusted partner in maintaining your family’s oral health.

Laser Dentistry

Dental lasers use a focused beam of light to perform various dental procedures. Laser dentistry has many benefits. Precision treatments, reduced discomfort for the patient, less bleeding, faster healing time, and does not require sutures are just a few. The laser’s energy will sterilize the area being treated. This minimizes the presence of bacteria and enhances the healing process. Dr. Marshall uses dental lasers to treat gum disease and to reshape the gum line. This is less invasive than the traditional methods, reducing post-operative discomfort.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is the branch of dentistry that focuses on children’s oral health. Wesley Dental focuses on the oral health of children to help them establish lifelong oral health habits and prevent dental issues. Children should begin visiting the dentist by age one or when their first tooth erupts. These early visits focus on preventing further dental problems, building a good relationship with the dentist, and preventive dental care. They also lay the foundation of your child’s oral health for a lifetime. 

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is a tool that Dr. Marshall uses to help patients receive dental care. Our dental office uses nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, to induce a state of relaxation and euphoria. Nitrous oxide also minimizes anxiety and discomfort. We will administer th gas through a mask over the nose. You will remain conscious and able to communicate however the gas’s mild analgesic properties help alleviate pain. We can use sedation dentistry on children, patients suffering from dental anxiety, or those receiving lengthy treatments.

Contact Our Office To Schedule Your Dentist Appointment

Call Wesley Dental for general dental treatment today at 903-270-5279. You may also schedule a dental appointment with us online.

We serve Greenville, White Rock, Neylandville, Commerce, Campbell, Cumby, Miller Grove, Lone Oak, Point, East Tawakoni, West Tawakoni, Hawk Cove, Quinlan, Cash, Hendrix, Caddo Mills, Clinton, Floyd, Josephine, Farmersville, Merit, Arnold, and Celeste! Let us know if you have questions or concerns for our team; we’re here to assist you.