Which Foods Could Crack a Tooth?

Your teeth have a strong, durable exterior that allows you to chew and bite without issue. However, under high amounts of pressure, a tooth might crack, chip, or fracture. This tooth injury will require urgent treatment from a dentist or you could face further dental damage.

Certain foods could cause tooth breakage if you do not pay attention to your eating habits. But you can prevent this dental emergency if you know which foods could threaten your smile this way. Read on to identify four foods that might pose a risk to your dental structure if you are not careful as you eat.

Which Foods Could Crack a Tooth


Popcorn is a buttery and light snack often enjoyed when watching a movie. It is made when dried corn kernels are heated, creating pressure that makes them pop into this fun, beloved food. But its fluffy texture might hide hard unpopped kernels hidden at the bottom of your bowl.

If you bite down on one of these kernels, the hard exterior might cause a tooth to crack under the abnormally high pressure. A chip or crack in your tooth might hurt, but even if it does not, you should not ignore it. The injury will worsen without prompt attention from your dentist, so do not delay this dental visit.


You can use bagels to make a delicious sandwich that will suit any time of day. But bagels and other hard breads have a dense interior that makes them harder to bite into than many people may expect. You could have a high risk of breaking a tooth accidentally if you are not careful.

So pay attention to the way you eat bagels to avoid injury. If you do hurt a tooth, contact your dentist for urgent dental care. They can cover and protect the injured tooth to avoid further oral health complications. Usually, they use a dental crown to shield and restore the tooth’s health.

Hard Candy

Hard candy refers to a sweet treat made from boiled liquid sugar that solidifies into a beloved candy as it cools. You are meant to suck on this candy until it dissolves in the mouth. But many people feel tempted to bite down on hard candy before this point, which could put them in danger of a dental injury.

If you cannot resist biting hard candy, you should avoid this treat rather than risk your dental health. While a dentist can help you treat tooth breakage, you should preserve your natural dental structure for as long as you can.

Corn on the Cob

Many people enjoy eating corn on the cob because it is a fun way to enjoy this starchy food. But human teeth are not made to withstand the pressure of biting into a hard corn cob. You could easily chip or crack a tooth by consuming this food.

To protect your smile, you should eat corn off of its cob when you can. But if you do have corn on the cob, be careful when biting and chewing so that you can avoid breaking your teeth.